Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9

Sunday, bloody Sunday
After I spent the first half of the day on the couch watching Jersey Shore, Teen Moms, and I Used To Be Fat (thank you MTV for your amazing reality trash), I finally got up, threw in a couple loads of laundry and went grocery shopping.

Note: I have not gone grocery shopping in almost a month. I had two weeks off where I didn't need to pack a lunch and I spent my mornings last week in a local grocery store picking up random lunch items each day for work. This is how I roll. Why would I spend my evenings shopping? That's ludicrous! I have the gym and such (read: nothing) after work... and really, going to the store is the last thing I want to do.

So this is what my refrigerator's looked like for the last few weeks:

Note #2: The milk was outdated yesterday, but I still had some in my cereal this morning. I know, I know...

So I finally went shopping today ($110 later...), came home, and prepared everything for the week. I had to cut my cantaloupe and celery for the week, cook some chicken, and a friend of mine gave me a recipe for a turkey chili that I wanted to try out in the crockpot tomorrow, so I got that ready. While doing so, I sliced my finger open cutting those bastard onions. (A knife, onions, and I DO NOT get along.) This was the mess that created. And who doesn't keep bandaids? Oh wait, me.

So in the end, shopping was done, meals were prepared, onions (and fingers) were sliced, and laundry was done (still have to fold it). Yay for a pretty productive (later half of) a Sunday. I feel like a grown up again. Mom would be proud. (Mom? You are, aren't you?)

1 comment:

Gaby Torres said...

Ill have to get you a veggie chopper thing to keep you from slicing your fingers off. Also your before picture of your fridge... That's what mine looks like on a daily basis. My groceries consist of the same 5 things every time, since the only meal I have at home is breakfast.