Monday, January 31, 2011

January 28

I love me some cheeks
I got to babysit my nieces on Friday. I love spending time with them. If you know me well enough, you know that my nicknames for them are Cheeks and Baby Cheeks, because they have/had the most amazingly fluffy cheeks. The nicknames have changed over the years, but the cheeks remain. Anyway, we had fun. We had a dance party (a couple, actually) to Yo Gabba Gabba, I changed a seriously poopy diaper, we played princess dress up and sang princess songs and danced and twirled like princesses, we ate some dinner, and we giggled.

It's awesome because I've never really been a kid lover (weird, I know... I'm a teacher). But these girls are awesome. And they're seriously the cutest kids in all of the land. I'm just sayin...

Here we are resting after our dance party. No wait, we were resting FOR our dance party. Doing the whole, "wait 30 minutes after we eat" thing. Ok, that wasn't what we were really doing... but we had just finished dinner.

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