Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 22

Today was an old friend's birthday. And by "old," I don't mean hunched over and needing a walker, I mean I've known her since high school. (Shout-out to Facebook for reconnecting me with high school friends!) We went out to dinner in my old 'hood. I lived in this town for almost 9 years. It was where I went to college (undergrad, credential, and grad)... it was home for a long time. I haven't been there in the few months since I'd moved, so it was good to be back.

Another friend suggested a restaurant in the downtown area. You really can't go wrong if it's in the downtown area, you just have to be careful of the age group (mean? median?), being that it's in a college town. And as many times as I had gone to the downtown area, I had never been to this restaurant. It had a great food, awesome drinks, and a rad musician playing (whose album I bought within minutes of hearing him play).

Good times with good people....

1 comment:

karamurano said...

I think we are gonna go there one weekend! Looks yummy!