Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18

Epic fail
At my gym, there is something called, "earning your wings." When girls can hit the 20 and 30 pull-up milestone, they get a tank to display their hard work. Here's what the 20 pull-up tank looks like:

Last time we had to do "max pull-ups" during our workout (probably 2-3 weeks ago), I was pumped because I knew I could FINALLY do pull-ups without a resistance band. The time before, I posted a big, fat ZERO, so I was really excited to finally post a number this time around. I got up to the bar and knocked out 11 pull-ups. I looked at my coach and he gave me the "I'm reeeeally sorry" look and told me that I didn't get any. My chin never went above the bar on any of the pull-ups.

Thank goodness the coaches took pity on me and said we'd post "11(ROM)", which means that I need to work on my range of motion. Whatever, I'd take it. But it's not getting me any closer to the 20 pull-up mark. Well, maybe it is, but now I can't help but be really critical of my friggin chin going over the bar.

So when we had the "T-shirt ripping party" the other weekend, one of the girls who is also struggling with the 20-milestone suggested that we make our own max-number pull-up tank. In the end, I was the only one who did it. I gotta thank a real pull-up champ on this one... the only girl in our gym to get FORTY pull-ups. She bought the numbers and ironed them on for me. I think she just took pity on my weak arms....

Yeah, I added the ROM because it's freakin funny. And I like to laugh at myself. I will rock this tank with PRIDE!!

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