Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11

Wall climbs
Me, to K, looking at the post for today's workout: Wall climbs? I can't climb that wall (there's a 7ish foot wall that some of our gym compadres can actually climb over)... I wonder what the modification is for those.
K: You run as fast as you can and run into the wall until you pass out.
Me: Awesome. Can't wait.

Me, realizing that wall climbs are when you lay on your stomach with your feet against the wall and then use your feet to walk up the wall, while simultaneously using your arms and hands to walk your body back until you (theoretically) touch your chest to the wall in a handstand: Seriously?? I can't do those!!

After the workout today, at a local restaurant:
Me: Dude! I haven't taken my picture of the day yet!
K: You should have taken a picture of you doing wall climbs.
Me: Too late now.
K: No it's not. You can do them outside.
Me (thinking she's joking, but knowing damn well she's really not): Riiiiiight...

After leaving the local restaurant:

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