Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 22

Yo Gabba radness
Helped my parents babysit my nieces. Every time I see them, I forget how rad they are. Seriously. So. Much. Fun.

Baby Cheeks wasn't feeling so swell, but she's a trooper. This is the face we got most of the night, with the bottom lip out more than usual:

Cheeks was in usual fashion, being goofy and hilarious. She loves when I bust out my phone camera, but can never just pose. She's gotta be all crazy. Here's a close-up of her eye. She thought it was funny to get right next to the lens.

Here's her smooshy face pose, because a regular smile was just too normal.

But the best part of the night was getting the wiggles out in another Yo Gabba Gabba dance party. I cannot even handle how cute these videos are. I try to stay quiet in them, but I can't. You'll hear the song in the background... "Hooolllllldddd stiiilllllll... wigglewigglewiggle, GO!... wigglewigglewiggle, GO!..."

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