Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 19

Friends rule
Today was the awesome Saturday team workout. These are fun, because you can put yourself on teams with your friends, no matter how many times your trainers tell you that you can't. We were supposed to have 3 guys and 3 girls on our team of 6, but we're rebellious and we don't care. Jimmy crack corn...

Here are (some of) my ladies. LOVE them.

After the workout, I was supposed to go and visit my gimpy, broken ankle friend, but instead, I backed out and laid on the couch all day. I did not put on make-up and I spent the day catching up on my trashy TV shows on my DVR. And then a friend came over with food, booze, and movies (and a big 'ol bag of chips and a giant container of salsa).

All in all, I'd say an A+ day.

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