Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 5

Fight Gone... better than I thought!
So there's this CrossFit workout. It's called Fight Gone Bad. And it's probably my least favorite workout of all the CrossFit workouts out there. Granted, I haven't done all of them, but this one SUCKS. Let me break it down for you:
It's a 17 minute workout.
Minute 1: Wall Balls (giant beach ball that weighs 14 lbs. Squat. Throw up against a wall. Catch. Squat. Repeat.)
Minute 2: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55 lb bar. Pull from ground to shoulders with elbows up. Control bar back to ground. Repeat.)
Minute 3: Box Jumps (Jump from ground onto 20in box. Jump down. Repeat.)
Minute 4: Push Press (Lift 55lb bar from ground to rest on shoulders. Push bar above head, locking out elbows. Back to shoulders. Push above head. Repeat.)
Minute 5: Row for calories (Sit on a row machine. Strap in. Row the heck out it.)
Minute 6: Rest.
Minute 7: Repeat minute 1.
Minute 8: Repeat minute 2.
Minute 9: Repeat minute 3.
Minute 10: Repeat minute 4.
Minute 11: Repeat minute 5.
Minute 12: Rest.
Minute 13: Repeat minute 1.
Minute 14: Repeat minute 2.
Minute 15: Repeat minute 3.
Minute 16: Repeat minute 4.
Minute 17: Repeat minute 5.

Minute 18-20: Die.
Minute 21: Stand up and find out what you scored.

I've done this workout 3 times now. The first time I only did 35lbs and stepped up on the box (as opposed to jumped up). The second time I did the 55 pounds and wanted to die. I scored 188 total reps. This time I did it, 55lbs, had a difficult time getting the Wall Balls up high enough (aka ROM, range of motion), still wanted to die, but scored 213 reps. A big, fat PR (personal record).

Hell to the yeah.

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