Friday, April 29, 2011

April 28

I love where I live
No seriously. I do. I lived in my college town for a little over 8 years, where I was perfectly content. In fact, I was the girl who did not want to move back to my hometown. I've never been ashamed of it, I just liked my life in my college town. A little over 6 months ago, I decided that I was going to move back. I found the perfect little apartment and proceeded to move back. Since then, I've wondered why I waited so long. I have been so incredibly happy and at peace since I've been here. I feel like I'm home. Again. And I don't know if this is where I'll stay when the next stage of my life begins, but it's where I'm supposed to be now.
This is a view right outside my front door, as I'm walking down the staircase.

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