Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
You probably want to know what half of these titles refer to. Some of them are just inside jokes for people who I know will read this (and yet not comment directly on this blog, ahem...) or something that I think is hilarious. This one actually does pertain to today's post, though (most do pertain to that particular day).

As a teacher at the same site and grade level for the last 9 years, I am in danger of losing my job. I received a letter in March stating that the district may not need my services next year. But this is not what I'm focusing on, because this blog is about awesomeness. The possible layoff is, however, the background to today's awesomeness.

So basically, today I had to sit through about 3-4 hours of a court trial where, in a nut shell, my union and my district sat in front of a judge to hash out whether or not the district is taking the correct legal measures for possibly laying off about 85 people in my district. I promptly spent the first hour or so stressing out over my job. I've done a pretty decent job of avoiding any negative emotion toward this entire dilemma over the last month. Whether that is the right or wrong way to deal, it was my way of keeping the negativity out of my life and not focusing on or stressing out over something that is ultimately out of my control. But today it seeped in a bit. So instead of spiraling into a downward state of stress and depression, I read through two and a half of my National Geographic Traveler magazines that I just recently subscribed to, while simultaneously adding items onto my bucket list.

It was definitely a "Calgon, take me away" moment. Especially when I read this and smiled.

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