Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 25

Grand Canyon or bust. In June.
So it's official. I get to visit the Grand Canyon for my first time this summer. I've kinda always wanted to see it and just never have. There's something to be said about seeing the world, but there's another thing to be said about seeing things that are part of nature and basically in my own back yard. When I saw Yosemite last year, I knew I needed to start seeing more of the natural wonders of this planet. So my friend and I are taking a small road trip in June to see it. And I'm in charge of planning it. And I found a planner on to help keep me organized and a matching app for it on my phone. Yeah, this makes me really excited! Here's the beginning stages of me planning the trip.


karamurano said...

so exciting! my husband and I wanna take a trip out there in the summer (he's never been)!

Gaby Torres said...

so we're not going to the biggest ball of twine?

also, i know you're scared of heights and stuff, i don't know where you're seeing the Grand Canyon from but if you're in the Grand Canyon West (the main canyon) find the courage to step out into the Skywalk... it's truly unreal and you wont hate yourself, its breath taking, i promise!

Kelly said...

Hey Brandi .. our summer vacations as a family was 2 week road trips to National Parks. There are soo many beautiful places to visit in the U.S. and since you like camping/hiking you should def check out some more National Parks. So beautiful!