Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14

Duh duh dunnnnnn...
The dreaded "holiday" for single people. Actually, this year, I could have cared less. I have amazing people in my life, and, sure, I would have liked to have had a man to buy me stupid shit, but I didn't... and I was fine with that. In fact, I got texts from friends all day, my uncle sent me a sweet card (with $), and a friend from the gym took me and another singlet out to dinner after our workout. I'd say it was a pretty damn good Monday.

Aside from all that bull honkey, the workout today was reeeediculous. Not that many of you will understand, but it was SEVEN rounds of 15 kettlebell swings (35lbs), 15 power cleans (65lbs), and 15 box jumps (20inches). After round 1, I was dead. After round 3, I wasn't even halfway done. At round 5, I was in my head, breathing a mess, and almost in tears because I was the last one doing the workout. I managed to get through the rest of it, thank goodness.

But the really awesome part was that I usually have to modify the weight. I can never do what we CrossFitters call Rx (prescribed weight). Tonight, I did. And I hate being the last one done. It always gets in my head and I freak out. Tonight I was the last one done. It started to get in my head, but I talked myself out of it. It was a giant breakthrough for me.

Here's a picture of my weights after the workout. Not super exciting, but it's my first full-on Rx'd hardcore workout. And after that is my name with an Rx next to it on the board (last one done for that class). A proud, proud moment.

1 comment:

Gaby Torres said...

dude! no crying! you have no idea how amazing it is that you even do this! how many people do we know that don't have the balls to even try it? as long as you know you gave it your all then thats what matters! id give anything to be able to RX or even do anything that you guys are doing. you're blessed with a healthy body that allows you to finish and participate, thats all reason to smile right there!